What are programming languages


We're aware that computers inherently understand the language of bits. Machines operate using binary numbers, 0 and 1. Computers receive all their instructions in binary digits.

Giving instructions only in binary digits could be challenging or difficult. We have to write every code using only 0s and 1s, and it requires a long line of code just using these digits, which isn't easy. So computer experts discovered an easier alternative,They started developing a programming framework where we write code in human-readable text, it is converted to binary code by language processor. This makes it simpler for them to write programs for computers.

And later on, programming became more accessible. Initially, the codes were challenging to understand. However, over time, a variety of programming languages were created that are now easy to both read and write.

language processor

We understand that computers primarily grasp binary, so how do they make sense of human-readable languages? Enter language processors. They essentially transform human-written code into machine code, consisting of 0s and 1s. There are three main types of language processors:

1. Assembler: Converts code written in assembly languages to machine codes.

2. Interpreter: Translates high-level language code to machine code line by line, albeit at a slower pace.

3. Compiler: Also transforms high-level language code into machine code, but it processes the entire code at once, making it faster than an interpreter.

Types of programming languages 

 Programming languages can be broadly classified into machine language, assembly language, and high-level languages. Different programming languages use specific language processors to translate human-readable code into machine code, providing flexibility for programmers to choose the tools that best suit their needs.

1)Machine code:

 It is a low-level language comprised of binary code (1s and 0s). It operates at the lowest level of programming, directly comprehensible and executable by the computer's central processing unit (CPU).

2) Assembly language

Assembly language is like a simplified version of machine code with words and symbols that humans can understand. Programmers use it to give instructions to a computer at a low level. To make these instructions work, they need an assembler, which translates them into the machine code that the computer can execute. ARM, MIPS, and x86 are examples of assembly languages used for different types of computers.

3) high level language

High-level languages are designed to be easily understood by humans, using proper words, codes, and symbols. To make these languages work on a computer, they require either an interpreter or a compiler. Compiler-based languages generally execute faster than interpreter-based ones. Examples of interpreter-based languages include PHP, Ruby, Python, and JavaScript, while C, C++, C#, Java, Swift, Cobol, Fortran, Rust, Objective-C, and Go are examples of compiler-based languages.

Usage of programming languages

Every type of computer language has its own job. Some are good at doing one thing, while others can do many things. Let's look at some popular languages and what they are often used for.

1. Web Development:

   - HTML, CSS (for structure and styling)

   - JavaScript (for interactivity)

   - PHP, Java, Python (for server-side scripting)

2. Android Development:

   - Java, Kotlin

3. Native App Development:

   - Swift (for iOS)

   - JavaScript (using React Native), Java (for Android)

   - Python, PHP

4. Game Development:

   - C++, C#, Java

   - Objective C (for iOS)

5. Machine Learning:

   - Python, R, Julia, Java, Lisp, C++

6. Data Science:

   - Python

7. Artificial Intelligence:

   - Java, C++, Haskell

8. Computing/Ana


   - MATLAB, Octave